A Very HAPPY BIRTHDAY I wish to my dearest Handsome
brother who's not only so loving but also very wise~ :)
Alhamdulillah, Kakak sangat2 beruntung ada adik macam awak Arif~
There wouldn't be a single thing pun yg kakak would wanna change
about awak. Here's a simple dedication especially for awak~ :)

Muhammad Arif, Studying Engineering in London, United Kingdom.
Have always been one of the smartest among us just like Kak Alia~ :)

Photography is his passion :) &
SubhanALLAH~ something that he is indeed very2 good at~

Always Handsome, Macho & Stylo even before he goes to sleep~ :)
I guess a person like him needs not much effort at all to look good in
Everything that he wears~ MasyaALLAH~ :)

You know what they say..? :)
Look at the way a guy treats his mom to know how he shall be treating his
future wife, Alhamdulillah & InsyaALLAH, his future wife is indeed 1
LUCKY lady~ He treats mama very much like a QUEEN~ :)

Always so lovable especially with children~ :)
That to me, is indeed a BONUS because not all guys are able to have the patience to play
with small children but Alhamdulillah, he enjoys giving children the attention~ InsyaALLAH,
kakak believe that awak akan become a great papa 1 fine day just like our papa :)

*owh* did I mentioned that he knows how to cook so well..? ;)
Indeed he does~ Alhamdulillah, another bonus~ hehe.
Recently, I was feeling a lil sad due to some reasons but ALHAMDULILLAH,
after talking to my dearest brother Arif, he gave me these advises that made me
felt at ease back again~ :)
Ya Allah, sesungguhnya waktu Dhuha itu waktu DhuhaMu, kecantikannya adalah kecantikanMu, keindahan itu keindahanMu, kekuatan itu kekuatanMu, kekuasaan itu kekuasaanMu dan perlindungan itu perlindunganMu.Ya Allah, jika rezekiku masih di langit, turunkanlah, dan jika di dalam bumi, keluarkanlah, jika sukar, permudahkanlah, jika haram,
sucikanlah dan jika jauh, dekatkanlah.
Berkat waktu dhuha, kecantikan. keindahan, kekuatan, kekuasaanMu, limpahkan kepadaku segala yang Engkau telah limpahkan kepada hamba-hambaMu yang soleh.
Surah 24, Verse 32:
Dan kahwinkanlah orang-orang bujang (lelaki dan perempuan) dari kalangan kamu, dan orang-orang yang soleh dari hamba-hamba kamu, lelaki dan perempuan. Jika mereka miskin, Allah akan memberikan kekayaan kepada mereka dari limpah kurniaNya kerana Allah Maha Luas (rahmatNya dan limpah kurniaNya), lagi Maha Mengetahui.
p/s: Saya Love Awak tau Arif~ May Love, Happiness & Richness be with awak always in this lifetime & hereafter ~ *ameen* :) & May HIS blessing be with awak ALWAYS~ *huGs*
nnt tlg wish besday kat arif gak erkk...tlg wakilkan hehehe
omo. kak aimie! muke die same sangat2 ngan muke kak aimie! memang cantik2/hensem2 laa kan family kak aimie ni.. ;-)
arini ker bday die? 21/6? same laa ngan adik saye form1. hihi. happy birthday to him too!
btw, bday kak aimie bile pulak ea?
awww suwitnyeee....
happy birthday to your brother...
wahhh..akak yg baik..dh nampak hbungan yg mesra sesama adik bradik..rapat..:)
* HaFizaH aYu:
InsyaALLAH dear :)
* LynN LoLa~~ :
Sorry for the late reply syg~ :) <3 pls send kak aimie punya late birthday wish jgk at lynn punya adik k..? :) Adik lynn tue mesti chantek/handsome mcm kakak dia name Lynn kn kn..? :)
adik kak aimie tue mmg handsome~ ramai sgt2 peminat~ tak mcm kakak dia yg sorg nie~ biasa je~ :P naseb baek laa abg dinie tue nkkn kak aimie ;) <3
Birthday kak aimie ada at facebook page kak aimie syg *wink2* heehe..
* Leya :
thank u sweetie~ :) I'll tell my brother you wished him happy birthday~ hehe~ <3
* Apricot Pie:
InsyaALLAH~ adik beradik even though sometimes ada disagreements but still, would always love each other no matter what. that's for sure kn dear..? :)
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