There is a certain point in life when we've got to learn to just ignore
what others say or think about us~ because at the end of the day,
we know ourselves better than anyone else does~ :)

♥ There are times when I really2 wish that I can just erase/
remove some of my unwanted memories from the past~
remove some of my unwanted memories from the past~
take care dear ones~ :) *huGs*
Masyallah Aimie,you are so beautiful dear. :).
* Nanie Hussin:
SubhanALLAH~ aimie nie ciptaan ALLAH swt yg biasa sj tau dear~ nanie jauh lebih chantek~ :) betull~ teringin sgt2 nk meet nanie in person tau~ :)
hi there..sorry for being so late here..wahh cantiknyerr awk mmg gaya model dh.n i truly LOVE ur style..gorgeous! =)
* Sizzling Suzai :
SubhnALLAH~ thank u for the compliment dear~ but to be honest, sy betul2 tak layak utk become a model awak~ :) Sy rase if awak were to wear them mesti lagi fashionable~ Sy nie sgt2 laa a simple person~ :)
Do Check out Miryaa's New Blog at :
SALAM , akak. im newbie . suka tgk blog akak yng sgt cantik , kak bella and aza too . teringin nak tgk korg depan depan . tp tapelh mgkn takde rezeki , akk yang cntik tahniah for ur engagement . kakak sgt cntik . thank you
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