
PMS: Is It Really Real / a Myth / an Excuse..? ;)

As'salammualaikum There Dear Ones~ :)

This topic here today is mostly talking about us women BUT.. I can ensure you that if there are men out there who are able to take some time off to just read this post, insha'ALLAH you shall be able to understand us women maybe not fully but hopefully a bit better~ ;)

I know that in general, women are known to be more emotional & sensitive if compared to man, especially during 'that time of the month'. I suppose that might be one of the main reasons why ALLAH swt gave man the power to divorce & not woman. I am sure that most man would consider us ladies to normally "use" the excuse of 'the time of the month' when ever we're having one of our mood swings~ however, today I'd like to share & PROVE to all YOU MEN out there that this phrase aren't just some "excuse" or even a myth BUT it is real~ ;)

Thus, If you would allow me.. hehe..

Every month like clockwork, some women come down with a strange collection of symptoms. They may become irritable, snapping at their family and friends without the slightest provocation. They may forget where they put their car keys and have trouble paying attention during meetings at work or even during classes. They may crave for chocolates or find themselves sneaking a few pieces of pizza after their children have gone to bed. Or they may suddenly hate the way they look because they feel bloated and their hair looks oily and lifeless.
We are quick to give these symptoms a label:premenstrual syndrome, or PMS. But what is PMS? Some people dismiss it as "that time of the month" -- an excuse that women give in order to eat tons of chocolate and get away with acting a bit cranky.
But doctors recognize PMS as a real medical condition, with real physical and psychological symptoms. For many women, the symptoms are debilitating enough to interfere with their lives.

So, What is PMS? :)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a wide range of physical or emotional symptoms that typically occur about 5 to 11 days before a woman starts her monthly menstrual cycle. The symptoms usually stop when menstruation begins, or shortly thereafter (PubMed Health).

It is a set of hormonal changes that trigger a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms in women. These symptoms can range from anger and irritability, to abdominal cramping and breast tenderness, to food cravings. It would normally occur during a woman's childbearing years however after menopause, it usually stops.
Up to 40 percent of menstruating women experience symptoms of PMS [ref]. In most of these women, PMS is nothing more than an annoyance. But in about 5 percent of women, the symptoms are debilitating enough to interfere with daily life.

The Following are Suggested Causes of PMS

It is thought that pre-menstrual syndrome might be associated with changes in estrogen and progesterone levels in women. However, the exact causes have not been determined.
  • Progesterone- estrogen imbalance
  • Hyperprolactinemia (over- secretion of prolactin)
  • Excessive aldosterone, or ADH (this controls the sodium, chloride, and potassium metabolism)
  • Carbohydrate metabolic changes
  • Sodium and water retention by the kidneys
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Allergy to progesterone
  • Psychogenic factors
  • Serotonin, a brain chemical
  • Diet low in calcium, vitamins and magnesium

Some conditions to rule out when diagnosing PMS:
There are more than 150 physical and psychological symptoms associated with PMS. These symptoms can vary from mild to severe, from person to person and from cycle to cycle.

Psychological symptoms

  • Mood changes (e.g., crying for no reason, depression, anxiety, anger, sadness / irritability)
  • Changes in mental functioning (inability to concentrate or remember)
  • Other symptoms include:

  • Confusion
  • Feelings of sadness or hopelessness (See also: Premenstrual dysphoric disorder)
  • Feelings of tension, anxiety, or edginess
  • Forgetfulness
  • Irritable, hostile, or aggressive behavior, with outbursts of anger toward self or others
  • Mood swings
  • Poor judgment
  • Poor self-image, feelings of guilt, or increased fears
  • Slow, sluggish, lethargic movement

Physical symptoms

The most common physical symptoms include:

PMS can be a hard thing for a male to deal with—you don't understand how your wife/girl friend is feeling, or what she's going through. Suddenly she seems a bundle of raw nerve endings and unpredictable mood swings...but there are steps you can take to help.


  1. 1
    Remember once you know that your significant other is suffering from PMS, try to get into her head and understand how she is feeling. She might have stomach cramps, headache or backache; may be feeling bloated or nauseous. She might be tired or light headed due to loss of iron (especially if she's vegetarian or vegan); she might have cravings and mood swings. It may be very difficult to think straight, and it may seem to her as if those around her have suddenly become massively's a matter of perspective, but that's how it seems from the inside. Some women get only a few of these symptoms, some may have all of them, and each symptom can be mild or severe in different women...or during different months, or different stress levels.
  2. 2
    Keep in mind that stress makes all the symptoms worse; anything you can do to reduce her stress is going to help you in the long run. Make an extra effort to help before she has to ask: put dirty clothes in the hamper, wash dishes, vacuum (and try to do it her way, even if it seems illogical. Don't initiate your great improvement in clothes washing methodology until after her PMS is done; and ask first). Let her know you're available: "Hey, I've got a spare hour. Anything you'd like me to do?"
  3. 3
    Note that when you figure out exactly what symptoms she is experiencing, hence as her husband try to help her feel better. Cramps can be helped with a hot water bottle or a relaxing bath. You could offer to rub her back or even give her a full massage to ease tension. Get her some painkillers if she needs them. A nice herbal tea can sometimes help with gas and bloating. Read the label if you're not sure.
  4. 4
    Make sure you don't bug her by being around when she wants to be alone. This can be very important for boyfriends to take note of. She might need to rest or she may just feel like staying in bed alone watching chick flicks and eating chocolate. Listen to her and let her tell you what she needs.
  5. 5
    Remember because she is feeling so crummy, she may get angry or upset and take it out on you. If she starts blaming you for things, don't argue. You don't have to agree with her necessarily, you should just be quiet, or try the very useful response: "You may be right." (you're not saying she IS right, just that she may be. No matter what the situation, that's true!). Anything you say can and will be used against you. Don't worry, deep down she knows that its probably not your fault, but right now, her hormones have hijacked her emotions. She will be back to her usual self in a few days. Don't take anything she says personally.
  6. 6
    Remember, it is not her fault if she feels bad, and has mood swings. It is not her fault if she cries or gets angry for no reason. It might seem like she's being a drama queen on purpose but she really can't help her hormones, and once they go away and she's back to normal, she will appreciate that you were patient with her.


  1. If she tries to pick fights, stay calm. Don't argue back and if you really can't take it, leave the room. Any fights you have while she has PMS are likely to be ten times worse than if she doesn't have PMS, so if there is a real reason to argue/discuss something, leave it until she can discuss it rationally.
  2. Don't go overboard. Don't try to make her take a painkiller or herbal tea if she doesn't want it. Not all women like those things. Some women with PMS want nothing more than lots of chocolate. Of course, it's still nice to offer her alternatives, she will appreciate you making the effort.
  3. If she is being grumpy, don't just ask, "Are you on your period?" This bothers women as it may seem like a sexist attitude. Women get upset for normal reasons just like men; it isn't always PMS.

p/s: these tips are found on wiki how to, hence some might be useful while others can just be for the fun of reading~ hehe.. :) till we meet again, As'salammualaikum~ take care dear ones~ 

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